To Good Mental Health

Mental health and mental wellbeing is just as important as our biological’s body health, fitness and wellbeing.

Our bodies describe three different concepts of health combined together to form our stature.

Our Mind, Body and Soul.

The health of these three different concepts of our human bodies form and combine to aggregate the overall health of our bodies five systems: The Nervous System, The Respiratory System, The musculoskeletal system, The Digestive System and our Reproductive System.

Mental health abstracts and encapsulates all five systems of the body to describe our overall health state, wellbeing and vitality. Vitality is the overall condition, strength and stamina of our bodies.

As such, our mental health describes our overall performance and wellbeing of our bodies. Our mental strength, fortitude and stamina is a reflection of the overall conditions of our five body systems.

This describes our mental health into a strong elaboration of mental fitness and resilience against adversaries of strong mental trauma painted in the picture above. Our brain and body’s strength, fortitude and resilience against these mental traumas, mainly shows the overall health and vitality of our body’s five systems in harmony and combination of wellbeing together combined to form our human bodies.

Mental health and fitness largely falls into the analogy and study of concepts of the human body, the Mind and the Soul.

Our minds perform and reflect the harmony of our body’s systems working together to produce our fitness and stamina. But our souls indicate our strength in our beliefs and conditions to prosper our human bodies to greater performance with our wills tied in together with the human concept of the body’s soul.

All in all as such, mental health is the combination of our Minds and our Souls put together based on our vitalities, stamina, condition and health of the third human concept of the human body, our Bodies.

This abstract put together describes the overall indicators of frail and ill health in our body’s systems and a true reflection of our body’s state, stamina and conditions to achieve our body’s soul performance. Overall, mental health is an overview of our body’s condition and stamina all tied in together in the three human concepts of the human body, our Mind, our Body and our Soul.

Take care! and enjoy good, strong and fit mental health with a healthy body!