Correct way to Pan Fry
Pan fry and pan frying history has dates to the third century A.D in years 200 A.D. It is an art faithfully to be mastered and is essential from daily home living.

Pan fry diversify and fries from three different basic variations. Pan Fry, Shallow Fry and Stir Fry. This page will only illustrate pan fry.
Pan Fry: The pan fry is pervasive as the basic form of pan frying.
Begin by convection with heat to the frying pan, burnt at medium-high intensity for 2 to 3 minutes.
Next, add cooking oil into the frying pan in concentration of tablespoons in proportion to the size of the frying pan, which two will do for an average size pan. Grab the frying pan’s handle firmly, and use it to maneouver the frying pan to spread the cooking oil evenly around, in the pan. Resume to set the pan back on its convection of heat, and subsequently, wait for the cooking oil to heat.
A minute later, stick a wooden or metal cutlery, or spatula into the cooking oil in the frying pan, and observe for bubbles sizzling on the cutlery or spatula at the edge it is in contact with it. If unobserved otherwise, wait awhile longer and try again until otherwise.

The cooking oil is now heated enough in the pan, and is ready to cook and tenderize food. Reduce the convection of heat to the frying pan, and burn it at an intensity to liking. Add raw food to cook into the cooking oiled frying pan gently, and at distance close enough to the hot and heated surface of the pan. Take care and caution not to touch any surface of the pan, or splutter its cooking oil in it as food is placed and cooked.
Finally, careful to use the frying pan’s handle if necessary to maneouver it.